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Jack & Jill
Jack & Jill
Russian Blue / Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat)
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© Cat Support Network 2025
PO Box 3645
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 252-5445
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Every community has cats that are unowned, or homeless. You see them in your neighborhood, hiding is bushes near your work, at your children's school or in the park near your home.

You may be feeding these cats, trying to do what you can to help, reaching out for help to spay/neuter them.

Here is a place where you can find resources. You will be able to find out how to build a feral shelter, feeding stations and see guidelines on how to care for these community cats.

The most important thing you can do for your community cats is to spay/neuter and return them. It is important that they stop breeding. Aside from this limiting the amount of community cats, it is also important for their health. Unspayed females can have up to 3 litters a year. The continuous cycle of breeding, pregnancy, birth and nursing is hard on her, never allowing her to get and stay healthy. Unaltered males fight for dominance and breeding rights, causing injury and the possibility of spreading diseases, they spray to mark territory, travel long distances to breed with unspayed females causing more cats to come into your area.

There are many additional spay/neuter resources aside from CSN. If you need help, email, we can help with the loan of humane traps, teach you how to use them and help with the cost of spay/neuter. The more you help yourself, the more we can assist you.


Feral Shelters - Easy to make shelters for community cats

Feral Feeding Stations - Easy solutions to putting food on the ground

TNR notification posters - notify people that you are doing TNR in the area (You'd be surprised how many people will want to help!)